Excellent Achievement Award 2024
POSTECH -EE: 장려상 - 최형태, 박해연, 곽도혁
POSTECH : 우수논문도전상 - 최형태
Excellent Research Achievement Award presented from POSTECH -EE to Choi Hyung Tae, Park Hae Yeon, and Kwak Dohyeok.
Excellent Paper Challenge Award presented from POSTECH to Choi Hyung Tae.
2024 - 01 - 25
Conference paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''Generalized kernel approximation apporach to L1 control of sampled-data systems," written by D. Kwak, J. H. Kim, and T. Hagiwara (Kyoto University) has been accepted for publication in American Control Conference
2024 - 01 - 23
통합과정 곽도혁 학생이 2023-2학기 포스테키안 펠로우십에 선정되었습니다.
곽도혁 학생은 제어 이론에 대한 연산자 이론(Operator theory) 기반 접근법들을 일반화하고, 이러한 접근법을 시간 지연 시스템의 안정성 해석 및 샘플치 제어 시스템의 L1 최적 제어에 적용하는 연구를 제안하였습니다.
포스테키안 펠로우십은 우수한 대학원생들이 학문 연구에 몰입할 수 있도록 재정지원을 통한 교육/연구 여건 개선과, 대학원생의 안정적인 연구활동 지원을 통해 연구 활동 활성화 및 연구성과의 질적 향상 도모를 위해 추진되었습니다.
2023 - 10 - 25
Journal paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''The l∞ -induced norm of multivariable discrete-time linear systems: Upper and lower bounds with convergence rate analysis " written by O. R. Kang and J. H. Kim has been accepted for publication in
Special Issue: Recent Contributions to Difference Equations, AIMS Mathematics, (16/333, Mathematics)
2023 - 10 - 16
Journal paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''Time-Delay Compensation-based Robust Control of Mechanical Manipulators: Operator-Theoretic Analysis and Experiment Validation," written by G. I. Song and J. H. Kim has been accepted for publication in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (29/267 Mathematics, Applied).
2023 - 08 - 25
Paper Award at IEIE 2023
대한전자공학회 2023년도 하계종합학술대회 우수학생논문상 - 송근일
"Lur'e type 해석 기법 기반 계산 토크 방식의 제어 파라미터 선정 기법 (A parameter selection technique for computed torque based on Lur'e type analysis method)," 대한전자공학회 하계 학술대회 (IEIE), pp. 1771 -- 1773, 제주, Jun. 28--30, 2023.
2023 - 07 - 12
Conference paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''A new quasi-finite-rank approximation of compression operators with application to the L1 discritization for sampled-data systems," written by D. Kwak, J. H. Kim, and T. Hagiwara (Kyoto University) has been accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2023
2023 - 07 - 12
Journal paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''Robust stability analysis of sampled-data systems with uncertainties characterized by the L∞-induced norm: Gridding treatment with convergence rate analysis" written by D. Kwak, J. H. Kim, and T. Hagiwara (Kyoto University) has been accepted for publication as a technical note in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (11/65, Automation & Control Systems)
2023 - 06 - 15
Journal paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''The L1 controller synthesis for piecewise continuous nonlinear systems via set invariance principles," written by H. T. Choi, and J. H. Kim has been accepted for publication in
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (13/267, Mathematics, Applied)
2023 - 06 - 08
Journal paper acceptance
The paper with the title ''Model-free control approach to uncertain Euler-Lagrange equations with a Lyapunov-based L∞-gain analysis" written by H. Y. Park and J. H. Kim has been accepted for publication in
Special Issue: Stability and Optimal Control on Uncertain Systems, AIMS Mathematics, (16/333, Mathematics)
2023 - 05 - 17